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- confirm the exception on the next page, or
- import our CA key in your web browser
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After 13 years of service and 6 months following the release of the new version, support for the old SwissDock will end at the beginning of September 2024. We strongly advise you to switch your docking calculations to the new SwissDock , which features an upgraded interface, simplified input, enhanced visualizations and a dual docking engine.
A SOAP access to SwissDock is available. The corresponding WSDL file can be found here.
A sample Python client can be downloaded here
This service might be broken from time to time. Please contact us if you need specific support.
This server is free for academic use. A CHARMm license is
required for users from private companies.
Please contact us if you need your own private SwissDock service.
SIB privacy policy